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  • Writer's pictureRev. Dr. Nick Eagle

Rev. Dr. Nick Eagle's "Enlightenment Protocol:" To Gain Confidence & Reach Your Full Potential

QUICK EAGLE VORTEX UPDATE: I am moving into my new home, planting fruit trees and starting my greenhouse next week! We are finishing texture and paint at the UFhOme and the Kundalini Dojo's insulation. I will finish the Enlightenment Lagoon in the next couple months. Hope to open this fall still. Stay tuned for another big update.

Enlightenment Protocol

The beginning of the spiritual journey is after you master confidence. Make sure you read this: "Mastering Confidence Is The BEGINNING Of The Spiritual Journey." And you will never do so operating at low levels in a low vibrational state. An awakening showed me I needed to operate at higher levels to learn confidence, become a better person and manifest success. Little did I know, it would lead me here. Now I have released all of the secrets and they are my gift to you. This is purpose; acquiring as much knowledge as possible and giving it back to as many people as possible.

What is Rev. Dr. Nick Eagle's Enlightenment Protocol?

Until now, few have ever dared to suggest they can help someone awaken. I KNOW I can and I HAVE helped others. If you follow this protocol, you are guaranteed to operate at higher levels, leave fear behind and learn what you are. This is what it takes to awaken. Unplug from the world that needs you weak and broken to profit and leave the darkness behind.

Why Should I Listen To Rev. Dr. Nick Eagle?

Few people struggled as I once did. I grew up on welfare and had very young parents. I couldn't talk to girls. I failed at sports. I failed in school. I pretended I was broken and took prescription pills and abused other drugs and alcohol. But I knew deep down that I could become anything I choose and it would take taking responsibility for my world and much effort.

I went on to star on a TV show, get a gold record, get a Brazilian jiu-jitsu black belt, become a world champion, multimillionaire and write a book on gaining confidence and operating at your full potential. 10 years later, I've acquired even more knowledge, peace and power. And I now I have an IQ over 150 and I enter advanced states of consciousness few people even know about. I've been shown kundalini yoga and reiki healing by "God," and I know what people must do to join me.

How Can I GAIN More Confidence?

If you are not asking, "How do I get more confident?" You are not on a path of becoming spiritual, you know very little about yourself & you have given up. You can never accept that you cannot become more confident! You must seek! You must put in effort! You must leave behind the fear and worry about not being perfect at it the first time. It is a skill. It is mastery. Only darkness teaches that being "shy" and timid is ingrained in your soul. Nothing can be further from the truth. We are share a "soul." We all come from the same place. I always knew deep inside when I saw other people being confident that I could as well and I proved it! The next time you ask, "How can I gain more confidence?" KNOW that if I did, you can as well. Now do my enlightenment protocol to give yourself the best chance. You must get your brain on point and you must connect to be godly.

How Do I Start the Enlightenment Protocol?

All you have to do is click the link in the menu of my website or at the end of this post and it will direct you. It includes my daily routine, a gut test to determine the best foods to put in you, all of the minerals and supplements I take, meditation advice and exercise advice. It has EVERYTHING you need to do to operate at the highest levels and give you the best opportunity to awaken and enlighten.

I recommend reading everything and picking one or two things to incorporate into your life right away, and when you're ready for more, go back to it.

When I release "The Golden Laws of Enlightenment," I will add them to the protocol. For now, you have the basics to work with for a good warmup. If you decide to adhere to the laws, I promise you that you will soon desire to pass along these teachings and want to join me in my quest of eliminating suffering from this world. By putting truth above all and taking immaculate care of myself I have entered advanced states and become one with the ultimate powers of "God." I have left all fear behind and i no longer suffer.

I will soon be accepting students who will agree to implement them and wish to spread my teachings. There will be many incentives, including doing work at Eagle Vortex. More come coming.


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